

Sacred geometry, time, space, matter, self, oneness, chaos, order, the worm theory, dark, light, silly, serious, philosophical and spiritual ideas…

It is the balance…

Between all nonsense!


If you really must know, which I suspect you do as Skwerdoodaleebonk is currently just a silly word to you…and to me too.
Skwerdoodaleebonks are made using a particular set of numbers within a famous sequence of numbers which make up the very fabric of the universe. Each Skwerdoodaleebonk exists within the universe so any set of numbers is technically a sequence of numbers, but this particular sequence of numbers has a name which sounds as silly as Skwerdoodaleebonk. That is the Fibonaccibonkles of which I speak. The way the numbers interact is pure chaotic order…or is it ordered chaos? I don’t know for apparently I lost my marbles a long time ago.
That loss of marbles is actually what the Skwerdoodaleebonk is (and isn't), my brain, going swish-swoosh, who let the madman loose? Nobody let me loose, I just don’t think the right people have caught me just yet and hopefully they never will, for my innards are all skwerdoodalee and bonkley, the perfect innards for scientists to stare at for years and ponder…”how does one become so skwerdoodaleebonkles?”
I will give you more answers in the form of interpretive squiggles if you ask me, but don’t think that will give you more answers than simply saying it out loud.
